Yesterday went on with a nice dinner at the restaurant Esperanza on Birger Jarlsgatan.
Here is a photo of the proceedings (courtesy of Petter Holme):
From left to right, clockwise: Meesoon Ha, Petter Holme, Mikko Alava, Haijun Zhou, Matti Peltomäki, Sumedha Sumedha, and Sang-hoon Lee. Thanks to Laila of Nordita for the choice....
Then we did some science to celebrate the end. A discussion session about the physics of peer-to-peer neworks was held in the morning of the Friday.
Supriya Krishnamurthy presented first the issue from a physicst's viewpoint, of networks and dynamics on dynamic networks. Then György Dan gave a computer science response, of what is important, and why, in the study of self-* (wild card) processes. A lively discussion ensued. Can a theoretical physicist show entrepreneurial spirit and contribute (while not becoming rich)?
A PS: their presentations are now on the program web page.
We thank Nordita in general for making the program possible, and hospitality, the participants (also of the workshop) for the scientific atmosphere, and the local Nordita folks for assisting, helping and many other little things that made PhysDIS possible. Erik Aurell has been ill for the last week: to a quick recovery!